Labour law

Social security

Are you a company director or an employee?


Valoris Avocats is an international law firm based in France – Paris, Lyon, and Strasbourg. Through our deep expertise in labour law, both on a French and international level, our English-speaking social security lawyers advise foreign employees and employers on French social security and welfare matters, including specificities regarding local law rules (Alsace/Moselle). These include, but are not limited to, wages and benefits, disability, pension, termination, etc.

What Is Social Security Law?

Social security law encompasses the legal framework and regulations governing social welfare programs designed to ensure individuals have access to basic needs such as healthcare, retirement income, and support against some risks (in cases of unemployment, disability,  etc.).

The French Social Security system is funded through contributions from both employers and employees, and it operates under the oversight of both the state and various social security agencies.

There are five types of risk, which represent the six branches of Social Security in France:

  • the sickness branch (sickness, maternity, invalidity, death),
  • the family branch (including disability and housing, etc.),
  • occupational injuries and diseases,
  • retirement (old age and widowhood),
  • the autonomy branch,
  • contributions and collection.

What Does a Social Security Lawyer Do?

The role of a social security lawyer is to assist companies and/or individuals in all matters relating to social security issues.

Our firm can act as counsel but also represent parties in disputes with institutions (CPAM – Social Court, Labour Inspectorate, URSSAF etc.).

Our English-speaking attorneys at Valoris Avocats assist and represent our clients in all areas of social security law and throughout the procedure and the exchange process with the social security bodies (compilation, preparation of files, written and oral interventions (pleadings), etc.).

Valoris Avocats’ role is to help simplify and understand the often complex and bureaucratic social security process in France and abroad. Our law firm offers targeted support for both employers and employees, ensuring comprehensive expertise in French and international social security law.

Legal Advice for Companies / Employers:

  • Advice on social security contributions: Guidance on accurately calculating and submitting social security contributions to minimize risks and ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Support in the event of audits: Assistance during social security audits, providing legal support and advice to navigate the process smoothly and efficiently. Are you subject to an URSSAF inspection or dispute? Our employment/social security lawyers are by your side.
  • Management of employee benefits schemes: Expertise in designing and implementing employee benefits programs that comply with social security laws while optimizing fiscal impact.
  • Risk management: Strategies to manage and reduce risks associated with employee claims for social security benefits, including sickness, disability, and retirement.
  • International employee mobility: Assistance with the complexities of international worker assignments (expats), ensuring compliance with bilateral social security agreements, particularly between France and Germany.

Social Security Support for Employees:

  • Accident at work or occupational illness: assistance with the formalities to be carried out with the institutions and ensuring that the employee’s entitlements are covered by the appropriate benefits.
  • Retirement and pension claims: Guidance through the process of claiming retirement and pension benefits, ensuring that employees receive all the benefits they’re entitled to.
  • Family benefits and health insurance claims: Assistance in understanding and claiming family benefits and navigating health insurance claims and disputes.
  • Unemployment benefits support: Support for employees facing unemployment, helping them understand and claim their entitled benefits.
  • Cross-border and expat social security issues: Our social security attorneys provide expert advice for employees dealing with social security concerns that span across borders, with a special focus on French-German matters, ensuring that their rights are protected in both jurisdictions.

Our Expertise in International Social Security Law

Our legal team has a wide range of skills and is equally proficient in the rules governing international mobility in terms of social security, i.e. the rules governing membership of the various social protection schemes in France and in other countries concerned.

This expertise is invaluable to clients seeking the best possible representation for their social security issues, particularly at international level.

Why choose Valoris Avocats? Our social security lawyers and whole legal team in France have received specialist training and have years of experience in social security law, which guarantees our clients the highest level of service.

In addition, Valoris Avocats stands out as a multilingual office in France, offering specialist expertise in English, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, as well as in Franco-German social security issues, which puts us in a unique position to serve a diverse client base.

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