Labour law





Florence Drevet-Wolff, avocate, has been a member of the Strasbourg Bar since 1996. In October 2016, she joined Valoris Avocats as a partner to take charge of the employment law department. Her arrival has allowed us to consolidate the offer of Valoris Avocats for companies in the fields of labor law and social security law.

Florence Drevet-Wolff devotes her professional activity exclusively to employment law. Her clientele is composed of companies (from small and medium-sized companies to international groups), whom she advises and assists in their management (daily and/or in the medium and long term) of individual and collective relations. Florence Drevet-Wolff is also active in the field of litigation concerning individual and collective labor relations (Conseil de Prud’hommes, Tribunal d’Instance,…).

She assists her clients in French and English.

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Contact : +33 3 90 41 33 13